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Upgrade notes for 11.0

These notes give additional information about changes. Please always follow the main upgrade guide.

For docker based version, please check upgrade Seafile Docker image

Important release changes

Change of user identity

Previous Seafile versions directly used a user's email address or SSO identity as their internal user ID.

Seafile 11.0 introduces virtual user IDs - random, internal identifiers like "adc023e7232240fcbb83b273e1d73d36@auth.local". For new users, a virtual ID will be generated instead of directly using their email. A mapping between the email and virtual ID will be stored in the "profile_profile" database table. For SSO users,the mapping between SSO ID and virtual ID is stored in the "social_auth_usersocialauth" table.

Overall this brings more flexibility to handle user accounts and identity changes. Existing users will use the same old ID.

Reimplementation of LDAP Integration

Previous Seafile versions handled LDAP authentication in the ccnet-server component. In Seafile 11.0, LDAP is reimplemented within the Seahub Python codebase.

LDAP configuration has been moved from ccnet.conf to The ccnet_db.LDAPImported table is no longer used - LDAP users are now stored in ccnet_db.EmailUsers along with other users.

Benefits of this new implementation:

  • Improved compatibility across different systems. Python code is more portable than the previous C implementation.
  • Consistent handling of users whether they login via LDAP or other methods like email/password.

You need to run script to merge ccnet_db.LDAPImported table to ccnet_db.EmailUsers table. The setting files need to be changed manually. (See more details below)

OAuth authentication and other SSO methods

If you use OAuth authentication, the configuration need to be changed a bit.

If you use SAML, you don't need to change configuration files. For SAML2, in version 10, the name_id field is returned from SAML server, and is used as the username (the email field in ccnet_dbEmailUser). In version 11, for old users, Seafile will find the old user and create a name_id to name_id mapping in social_auth_usersocialauth. For new users, Seafile will create a new user with random ID and add a name_id to the random ID mapping in social_auth_usersocialauth. In addition, we have added a feature where you can configure to disable login with a username and password for saml users by using the config of DISABLE_ADFS_USER_PWD_LOGIN = True in

Dropped SQLite Database Support

Seafile 11.0 dropped using SQLite as the database. It is better to migrate from SQLite database to MySQL database before upgrading to version 11.0.

There are several reasons driving this change:

  • Focus on collaborative features - SQLite's limitations make advanced concurrency and locking difficult, which collaborative editing requires. Different Seafile components need simultaneous database access. Especially after adding seafevents component in version 11.0 for the community edition.
  • Docker deployments - Our official Docker images do not support SQLite. MySQL is the preferred option.
  • Migration difficulties - Migrating SQLite databases to MySQL via SQL translation is unreliable.

To migrate from SQLite database to MySQL database, you can follow the document Migrate from SQLite to MySQL. If you have issues in the migration, just post a thread in our forum. We are glad to help you.

ElasticSearch change (pro edition only)

Elasticsearch version is not changed in Seafile version 11.0

New SAML prerequisites (MULTI_TENANCY only)

For Ubuntu 20.04/22.04

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y dnsutils

Django CSRF protection issue

Django 4.* has introduced a new check for the origin http header in CSRF verification. It now compares the values of the origin field in HTTP header and the host field in HTTP header. If they are different, an error is triggered.

If you deploy Seafile behind a proxy, or if you use a non-standard port, or if you deploy Seafile in cluster, it is likely the origin field in HTTP header received by Django and the host field in HTTP header received by Django are different. Because the host field in HTTP header is likely to be modified by proxy. This mismatch results in a CSRF error.

You can add CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to to solve the problem:

CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["https://<your-domain>"]

New Python libraries

Note, you should install Python libraries system wide using root user or sudo mode.

For Ubuntu 20.04/22.04

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev ldap-utils libldap2-dev

sudo pip3 install future==0.18.* mysqlclient==2.1.* pillow==10.2.* sqlalchemy==2.0.18 captcha==0.5.* django_simple_captcha==0.6.* djangosaml2==1.5.* pysaml2==7.2.* pycryptodome==3.16.* cffi==1.15.1 python-ldap==3.4.3

Upgrade to 11.0.x

1) Stop Seafile-10.0.x server.

2) Start from Seafile 11.0.x, run the script:


3)Modify configurations and migrate LDAP records

Change configurations for LDAP

The configuration items of LDAP login and LDAP sync tasks are migrated from ccnet.conf to The name of the configuration item is based on the 10.0 version, and the characters 'LDAP_' or 'MULTI_LDAP_1' are added. Examples are as follows:

# Basic configuration items for LDAP login
LDAP_SERVER_URL = 'ldap://'     # The URL of LDAP server
LDAP_BASE_DN = 'ou=test,dc=seafile,dc=ren'   # The root node of users who can 
                                             # log in to Seafile in the LDAP server
LDAP_ADMIN_DN = ''  # DN of the administrator used 
                                             # to query the LDAP server for information
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'Hello@123'            # Password of LDAP_ADMIN_DN
LDAP_PROVIDER = 'ldap'                       # Identify the source of the user, used in 
                                             # the table social_auth_usersocialauth, defaults to 'ldap'
LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR = 'userPrincipalName'        # User's attribute used to log in to Seafile, 
                                             # can be mail or userPrincipalName, cannot be changed
LDAP_FILTER = 'memberOf=CN=testgroup,OU=test,DC=seafile,DC=ren'  # Additional filter conditions,
                                                                 # users who meet the filter conditions can log in, otherwise they cannot log in
# For update user info when login
LDAP_CONTACT_EMAIL_ATTR = ''             # For update user's contact_email
LDAP_USER_ROLE_ATTR = ''                 # For update user's role
LDAP_USER_FIRST_NAME_ATTR = 'givenName'  # For update user's first name
LDAP_USER_LAST_NAME_ATTR = 'sn'          # For update user's last name
LDAP_USER_NAME_REVERSE = False           # Whether to reverse the user's first and last name

The following configuration items are only for Pro Edition:

# Configuration items for LDAP sync tasks.
LDAP_SYNC_INTERVAL = 60                  # LDAP sync task period, in minutes

# LDAP user sync configuration items.
ENABLE_LDAP_USER_SYNC = True             # Whether to enable user sync
LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS = 'person'        # This is the name of the class used to search for user objects. 
                                         # In Active Directory, it's usually "person". The default value is "person".
LDAP_DEPT_ATTR = ''                      # LDAP user's department info
LDAP_UID_ATTR = ''                       # LDAP user's login_id attribute
LDAP_AUTO_REACTIVATE_USERS = True        # Whether to auto activate deactivated user
LDAP_USE_PAGED_RESULT = False            # Whether to use pagination extension
IMPORT_NEW_USER = True                   # Whether to import new users when sync user
ACTIVATE_USER_WHEN_IMPORT = True         # Whether to activate the user when importing new user
ENABLE_EXTRA_USER_INFO_SYNC = True       # Whether to enable sync of additional user information,
                                         # including user's full name, contact_email, department, and Windows login name, etc.
DEACTIVE_USER_IF_NOTFOUND = False        # Set to "true" if you want to deactivate a user 
                                         # when he/she was deleted in AD server.

# LDAP group sync configuration items.
ENABLE_LDAP_GROUP_SYNC = True            # Whether to enable group sync
LDAP_GROUP_FILTER = ''                   # Group sync filter
LDAP_SYNC_DEPARTMENT_FROM_OU = True      # Whether to enable sync departments from OU.
LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS = 'group'        # This is the name of the class used to search for group objects.
LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTR = 'member'        # The attribute field to use when loading the group's members. 
                                         # For most directory servers, the attributes is "member" 
                                         # which is the default value.For "posixGroup", it should be set to "memberUid".
LDAP_USER_ATTR_IN_MEMBERUID = 'uid'      # The user attribute set in 'memberUid' option, 
                                         # which is used in "posixGroup".The default value is "uid".
LDAP_GROUP_UUID_ATTR = 'objectGUID'      # Used to uniquely identify groups in LDAP
LDAP_USE_GROUP_MEMBER_RANGE_QUERY = False   # When a group contains too many members, 
                                            # AD will only return part of them. Set this option to TRUE
                                            # to make LDAP sync work with large groups.
LDAP_SYNC_GROUP_AS_DEPARTMENT = False    # Whether to sync groups as top-level departments in Seafile
LDAP_DEPT_NAME_ATTR = ''                 # Used to get the department name.
LDAP_CREATE_DEPARTMENT_LIBRARY = False   # If you decide to sync the group as a department,
                                         # you can set this option to "true". In this way, when 
                                         # the group is synchronized for the first time, a library
                                         # is automatically created for the department, and the 
                                         # library's name is the department's name.
LDAP_DEPT_REPO_PERM = 'rw'               # Set the permissions of the department repo, default permission is 'rw'.
LDAP_DEFAULT_DEPARTMENT_QUOTA = -2       # You can set a default space quota for each department
                                         # when you synchronize a group for the first time. The 
                                         # quota is set to unlimited if this option is not set.
                                         # Unit is MB.
DEL_GROUP_IF_NOT_FOUND = False           # Set to "true", sync process will delete the group if not found it in LDAP server.
DEL_DEPARTMENT_IF_NOT_FOUND = False      # Set to "true", sync process will deleted the department if not found it in LDAP server.

Migrate LDAP records

Run the following script to migrate users in LDAPImported to EmailUsers

cd <install-path>/seafile-server-latest

For Seafile docker

docker exec -it seafile /usr/bin/python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/

Change configuration for OAuth:

In the new version, the OAuth login configuration should keep the email attribute unchanged to be compatible with new and old user logins. In version 11.0, a new uid attribute is added to be used as a user's external unique ID. The uid will be stored in social_auth_usersocialauth to map to internal virtual ID. For old users, the original email is used the internal virtual ID. The example is as follows:

# Version 10.0 or earlier
    "id": (True, "email"),
    "name": (False, "name"),
    "email": (False, "contact_email"),

# Since 11.0 version, added 'uid' attribute.
    "id": (True, "email"),  # In the new version, the email attribute configuration should be kept unchanged to be compatible with old and new user logins
    "uid": (True, "uid"),   # Seafile use 'uid' as the external unique identifier of the user. Different OAuth systems have different attributes, which may be: 'uid' or 'username', etc.
    "name": (False, "name"),
    "email": (False, "contact_email"),

When a user login, Seafile will first use "id -> email" map to find the old user and then create "uid -> uid" map for this old user. After all users login once, you can delete the configuration "id": (True, "email"). You can also manully add records in social_auth_usersocialauth to map extenral uid to old users.

4) Start Seafile-11.0.x server.


We have documented common issues encountered by users when upgrading to version 11.0 in our FAQ

If you encounter any issue, please give it a check.