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Setup With OpenStack Swift

This backend uses the native Swift API. Previously users can only use the S3-compatibility layer of Swift. That way is obsolete now. The old documentation is still available here.

Since version 6.3, OpenStack Swift v3.0 API is supported.


To setup Seafile Professional Server with Swift:

  • Setup the basic Seafile Professional Server following the guide on Download and setup Seafile Professional Server
  • Install and configure memcached or Redis. For best performance, Seafile requires enable memory cache for objects. We recommend to at least allocate 128MB memory for memcached.

Modify Seafile.conf

Edit seafile.conf, add the following lines:

name = swift
tenant = yourTenant
user_name = user
password = secret
container = seafile-blocks
auth_host =
auth_ver = v3.0
region = yourRegion

name = swift
tenant = yourTenant
user_name = user
password = secret
container = seafile-commits
auth_host =
auth_ver = v3.0
region = yourRegion

name = swift
tenant = yourTenant
user_name = user
password = secret
container = seafile-fs
auth_host =
auth_ver = v3.0
region = yourRegion

You also need to add memory cache configurations.

The above config is just an example. You should replace the options according to your own environment.

Seafile supports Swift with Keystone as authentication mechanism. The auth_host option is the address and port of Keystone service.The region option is used to select publicURL,if you don't configure it, use the first publicURL in returning authenticated information.

Seafile also supports Tempauth and Swauth since professional edition 6.2.1. The auth_ver option should be set to v1.0, tenant and region are no longer needed.

It's required to create separate containers for commit, fs, and block objects.

Use HTTPS connections to Swift

Since Pro 5.0.4, you can use HTTPS connections to Swift. Add the following options to seafile.conf:

name = swift
use_https = true

name = swift
use_https = true

name = swift
use_https = true

Because the server package is built on CentOS 6, if you're using Debian/Ubuntu, you have to copy the system CA bundle to CentOS's CA bundle path. Otherwise Seafile can't find the CA bundle so that the SSL connection will fail.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/pki/tls/certs
sudo cp /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
sudo ln -s /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem

Run and Test

Now you can start Seafile by ./ start and ./ start and visit the website.