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Setup Seafile with a single K8S pod with Seafile Helm Chart

This manual explains how to deploy and run Seafile server on a Linux server using Seafile Helm Chart (chart thereafter) in a single pod (i.e., single node mode). Comparing to Setup by K8S resource files, deployment with helm chart can simplify the deployment process and provide more flexible deployment control, which the way we recommend in deployment with K8S.

For specific environment and configuration requirements, please refer to the description of the Docker-based Seafile single-node deployment. Please also refer to the description of the K8S tool section in here.


For persisting data using in the docker-base deployment, /opt/seafile-data, is still adopted in this manual. What's more, all K8S YAML files will be placed in /opt/seafile-k8s-yaml (replace it when following these instructions if you would like to use another path).

By the way, we don't provide the deployment methods of basic services (e.g., Memcached, MySQL and Elasticsearch) and seafile-compatibility components (e.g., SeaDoc) for K8S in our document. If you need to install these services in K8S format, you can refer to the rewrite method in this document.

System requirements

Please refer here for the details of system requirements about Seafile service. By the way, this will apply to all nodes where Seafile pods may appear in your K8S cluster. In general, we recommend that each node should have at least 2G RAM and a 2-core CPU (> 2GHz).

Install Seafile helm chart

  1. Create namespace

    kubectl create namespace seafile
  2. Create a secret for sensitive data

    kubectl create secret generic seafile-secret --namespace seafile \
    --from-literal=JWT_PRIVATE_KEY='<required>' \
    --from-literal=SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD='<required>' \
    --from-literal=INIT_SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD='<required>' \
    --from-literal=INIT_SEAFILE_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='<required>' \
    kubectl create secret generic seafile-secret --namespace seafile \
    --from-literal=JWT_PRIVATE_KEY='<required>' \
    --from-literal=SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD='<required>' \
    --from-literal=INIT_SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD='<required>' \

    where the JWT_PRIVATE_KEY can be generate by pwgen -s 40 1

  3. Download and modify the my-values.yaml according to your configurations. By the way, you can follow here for the details:

    wget -O my-values.yaml
    nano my-values.yaml
    wget -O my-values.yaml
    nano my-values.yaml


    • It is not necessary to use the my-values.yaml we provided (i.e., you can create an empty my-values.yaml and add required field, as others have defined default values in our chart), because it destroys the flexibility of deploying with Helm, but it contains some formats of how Seafile Helm Chart reads these configurations, as well as all the environment variables and secret variables that can be read directly.
    • In addition, you can also create a custom storageClassName for the persistence directory used by Seafile. You only need to specify storageClassName in the seafile.config.seafileDataVolume object in my-values.yaml:

            storageClassName: <your seafile storage class name>
  4. Then install the chart use the following command:

    helm repo add seafile
    helm upgrade --install seafile seafile/pro  --namespace seafile --create-namespace --values my-values.yaml
    helm repo add seafile
    helm upgrade --install seafile seafile/ce  --namespace seafile --create-namespace --values my-values.yaml

After installing the chart, the Seafile pod should startup automaticlly.

About Seafile service

The default service type of Seafile is LoadBalancer. You should specify K8S load balancer for Seafile or specify at least one external ip, that can be accessed from external networks.

Important for Pro edition

By default, Seafile (Pro) will access the Memcached and Elasticsearch with the specific service name:

  • Memcached: memcached with port 11211
  • Elasticsearch: elasticsearch with port 9200

If the above services are:

  • Not in your K8S pods (including using an external service)
  • With different service name
  • With different server port

Please modfiy the files in /opt/seafile-data/seafile/conf (especially the seafevents.conf, seafile.conf and to make correct the configurations for above services, otherwise the Seafile server cannot start normally. Then restart Seafile server:

kubectl delete pods -n seafile $(kubectl get pods -n seafile -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' | grep seafile)

Activating the Seafile License (Pro)

If you have a seafile-license.txt license file, simply put it in the volume of the Seafile container. The volumne's default path in the Compose file is /opt/seafile-data. If you have modified the path, save the license file under your custom path.

If the license file has a different name or cannot be read, Seafile server will start with in trailer mode with most THREE users

Then restart Seafile:

kubectl delete pods -n seafile $(kubectl get pods -n seafile -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' | grep seafile)

A safer way to use your Seafile license file

You can also create a secret resource to encrypt your license file in your K8S cluster, which is a safer way:

kubectl create secret generic seafile-license --from-file=seafile-license.txt=$PATH_TO_YOUR_LICENSE_FILE --namespace seafile

Then modify my-values.yaml to add the information extra volumes:

    - name: seafileLicense
        secretName: seafile-license
            - key: seafile-license.txt
                path: seafile-license.txt
    subPath: seafile-license.txt
    mountPath: /shared/seafile/seafile-license.txt
    readOnly: true

Finally you can upgrade your chart by:

helm upgrade --install seafile seafile/pro  --namespace seafile --create-namespace --values my-values.yaml
helm upgrade --install seafile seafile/ce  --namespace seafile --create-namespace --values my-values.yaml

Version control

Seafile Helm Chart is designed to provide fast deployment and version control. You can update and rollback versions using the following setps:

  1. Update Helm repo

    helm repo update


    When using the repo update command, this will not always take effect immediately, as the previous repo will be stored in the cache.

  2. Download (optional) and modify the new my-values.yaml

    wget -O my-values.yaml<release-version>/cluster.yaml
    nano my-values.yaml
    wget -O my-values.yaml<release-version>/cluster.yaml
    nano my-values.yaml

    About version of Seafile Helm Chart and Seafile

    The version of Seafile Helm Chart is same as the major version of Seafile, i.e.:

    • latest Seafile: 12.0.9
    • latest Seafile Helm Chart release: 12.0

    By default, it will follow the latest Chart and the latest Seafile

  3. Upgrade release to a new version

    helm upgrade --install seafile seafile/pro --namespace seafile --create-namespace --values my-values.yaml --version <release-version>
    helm upgrade --install seafile seafile/ce --namespace seafile --create-namespace --values my-values.yaml --version <release-version>
  4. (Rollback) if you would like rollback to your old-running release, you can use following command to rollback your current instances

    helm rollback seafile -n seafile <revision>

Uninstall chart

You can uninstall chart by the following command:

helm delete seafile --namespace seafile

Advanced operations

Please refer from here for futher advanced operations.