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Upgrade a Seafile cluster (binary)

Major and minor version upgrade

Seafile adds new features in major and minor versions. It is likely that some database tables need to be modified or the search index need to be updated. In general, upgrading a cluster contains the following steps:

  1. Upgrade the database
  2. Update symbolic link at frontend and backend nodes to point to the newest version
  3. Update configuration files at each node
  4. Update search index in the backend node

In general, to upgrade a cluster, you need:

  1. Run the upgrade script (for example, ./upgrade/ in one frontend node
  2. Run the minor upgrade script (./upgrade/ in all other nodes to update symbolic link
  3. Update configuration files at each node according to the documentation for each version
  4. Delete old search index in the backend node if needed

Maintanence upgrade

Doing maintanence upgrading is simple, you only need to run the script ./upgrade/ at each node to update the symbolic link.

Upgrade a cluster from Seafile 11 to 12

Clean Database

If you have a large number of Activity in MySQL, clear this table first Clean Database. Otherwise, the database upgrade will take a long time.

  1. Stop Seafile server


    For installations using python virtual environment, activate it if it isn't already active

    source python-venv/bin/activate
    cd /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest
    su seafile
    ./ stop
    ./ stop
    cd /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest
    su seafile
    ./ stop
    ./ stop
  2. Install new Python libraries

  3. Download and uncompress the package

  4. Run the upgrade script in a single node

  5. Follow here to create the .env file in conf/ directory

  6. Start Seafile server

    cd /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest
    su seafile
    ./ start
    ./ start
    cd /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest
    su seafile
    ./ start
    ./ start
  7. (Optional) Refer here to upgrade notification server

  8. (Optional) Refer here to upgrade SeaDoc server