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The .env file will be used to specify the components used by the Seafile-docker instance and the environment variables required by each component. The default contents list in below


SEAFILE_ELASTICSEARCH_IMAGE=elasticsearch:8.15.0 # pro edition only

SEAFILE_ELASTICSEARCH_VOLUME=/opt/seafile-elasticsearch/data # pro edition only



INIT_S3_STORAGE_BACKEND_CONFIG=false # pro edition only
INIT_S3_COMMIT_BUCKET=<your-commit-objects> # pro edition only
INIT_S3_FS_BUCKET=<your-fs-objects> # pro edition only
INIT_S3_BLOCK_BUCKET=<your-block-objects> # pro edition only
INIT_S3_KEY_ID=<your-key-id> # pro edition only
INIT_S3_SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-key> # pro edition only

CLUSTER_INIT_MODE=true # cluster only
CLUSTER_INIT_MEMCACHED_HOST=<your memcached host> # cluster only
CLUSTER_INIT_ES_HOST=<your elasticsearch server HOST> # cluster only
CLUSTER_INIT_ES_PORT=9200 # cluster only
CLUSTER_MODE=frontend # cluster only




Seafile-docker configurations

Components configurations

  • COMPOSE_FILE: .yml files for components of Seafile-docker, each .yml must be separated by the symbol defined in COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR. The core components are involved in seafile-server.yml and caddy.yml which must be taken in this term.
  • COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR: The symbol used to separate the .yml files in term COMPOSE_FILE, default is ','.

Docker images configurations

  • SEAFILE_IMAGE: The image of Seafile-server, default is seafileltd/seafile-pro-mc:12.0-latest.
  • SEAFILE_DB_IMAGE: Database server image, default is mariadb:10.11.
  • SEAFILE_MEMCACHED_IMAGE: Cached server image, default is memcached:1.6.29
  • SEAFILE_ELASTICSEARCH_IMAGE: Only valid in pro edition. The elasticsearch image, default is elasticsearch:8.15.0.
  • SEAFILE_CADDY_IMAGE: Caddy server image, default is lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy:2.9.
  • SEADOC_IMAGE: Only valid after integrating SeaDoc. SeaDoc server image, default is seafileltd/sdoc-server:1.0-latest.

Persistent Volume Configurations

  • SEAFILE_VOLUME: The volume directory of Seafile data, default is /opt/seafile-data.
  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_VOLUME: The volume directory of MySQL data, default is /opt/seafile-mysql/db.
  • SEAFILE_CADDY_VOLUME: The volume directory of Caddy data used to store certificates obtained from Let's Encrypt's, default is /opt/seafile-caddy.
  • SEAFILE_ELASTICSEARCH_VOLUME: Only valid in pro edition. The volume directory of Elasticsearch data, default is /opt/seafile-elasticsearch/data.
  • SEADOC_VOLUME: Only valid after integrating SeaDoc. The volume directory of SeaDoc server data, default is /opt/seadoc-data.

MySQL configurations

  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_HOST: The host address of Mysql, default is the pre-defined service name db in Seafile-docker instance.
  • INIT_SEAFILE_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: (Only required on first deployment) The root password of MySQL.
  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_USER: The user of MySQL (database - user can be found in conf/seafile.conf).
  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD: The user seafile password of MySQL.
  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_SEAFILE_DB_NAME: The name of Seafile database name, default is seafile_db
  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_CCNET_DB_NAME: The name of ccnet database name, default is ccnet_db
  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_SEAHUB_DB_NAME: The name of seahub database name, default is seahub_db

Seafile-server configurations

  • SEAFILE_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD: The user seafile password of MySQL
  • JWT: JWT_PRIVATE_KEY, A random string with a length of no less than 32 characters, generate example: pwgen -s 40 1
  • SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME: Seafile server hostname or domain
  • SEAFILE_SERVER_PROTOCOL: Seafile server protocol (http or https)
  • TIME_ZONE: Time zone (default UTC)
  • INIT_SEAFILE_ADMIN_EMAIL: Admin username

SeaDoc configurations (only valid after integrating SeaDoc)

  • ENABLE_SEADOC: Enable the SeaDoc server or not, default is false.
  • SEADOC_SERVER_URL: Only valid in ENABLE_SEADOC=true. Url of Seadoc server (e.g.,

Cluster init configuration

  • CLUSTER_INIT_MODE: (only valid in pro edition at deploying first time). Cluster initialization mode, in which the necessary configuration files for the service to run will be generated (but the service will not be started). If the configuration file already exists, no operation will be performed. The default value is true. When the configuration file is generated, be sure to set this item to false.
  • CLUSTER_INIT_MEMCACHED_HOST: (only valid in pro edition at deploying first time). Cluster Memcached host. (If your Memcached server dose not use port 11211, please modify the and seafile.conf).
  • CLUSTER_INIT_ES_HOST: (only valid in pro edition at deploying first time). Your cluster Elasticsearch server host.
  • CLUSTER_INIT_ES_PORT: (only valid in pro edition at deploying first time). Your cluster Elasticsearch server port. Default is 9200.
  • CLUSTER_MODE: Seafile service node type, i.e., frontend (default) or backend

S3 storage backend configurations (only valid in pro edition at deploying first time)

  • INIT_S3_STORAGE_BACKEND_CONFIG: Whether to configure S3 storage backend synchronously during initialization (i.e., the following features in this section, for more details, please refer to AWS S3), default is false.
  • INIT_S3_COMMIT_BUCKET: S3 storage backend fs objects bucket
  • INIT_S3_FS_BUCKET: S3 storage backend block objects bucket
  • INIT_S3_BLOCK_BUCKET: S3 storage backend block objects bucket
  • INIT_S3_KEY_ID: S3 storage backend key ID
  • INIT_S3_SECRET_KEY: S3 storage backend secret key
  • INIT_S3_USE_V4_SIGNATURE: Use the v4 protocol of S3 if enabled, default is true
  • INIT_S3_AWS_REGION: Region of your buckets (AWS only), default is us-east-1. (Only valid when INIT_S3_USE_V4_SIGNATURE sets to true)
  • INIT_S3_HOST: Host of your buckets, default is (Only valid when INIT_S3_USE_V4_SIGNATURE sets to true)
  • INIT_S3_USE_HTTPS: Use HTTPS connections to S3 if enabled, default is true